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4 seats, 4 candidates for NWL school board

There are four candidates for the four open seats for four-year terms on the Northwestern Lehigh School Board. In addition, there is only one candidate seeking the open two-year term on the board.

Marci Handwerk Piescienski, James Warfel, Alan L. Rex and Todd Hernandez have all cross-filed on the Democrat and Republican tickets for the four-year terms.

Phillip Toll is unchallenged for his bid for a two-year term on the board.


Marci Handwerk Piescienski said she is running to be a school board director as she wants to support quality schools and education.

“I truly believe that’s what Northwestern is and I lived in the community all my life,” Piescienski said. “I went to school here, worked as an instructor assistant and fitness instructor.”

Piescienski has been a parent volunteer because her children went to Northwestern and a grandson is in the elementary school

“My ties and loyalty to the district are strong,” Piescienski said.

James Warfel is completing the remainder of this year filling in for Charlene Rauscher who resigned during the past year. He is now running for a four-year term and has crossfiled having been nominated by both parties.

He said he worked in Northwestern Lehigh for 16 years and has a deep affection for the school community.

“I see it as a way of providing community service,” Warfel said. “I think the Northwestern community has been very good to me and my family.

“That about sums up my reasons for wanting to be on the board.”

Alan L. Rex said during the campaign the environment in Washington, D.C., is not forgiving to public education.

“That means we have to be diligent on a local level,” Rex explained at the time. “Policies from the state and Washington, D.C., have to be studied for how they affect local issues.

“If funding is pulled out of local schools, who will be left to educate the children?”

Rex has tried twice for open positions on the school board when a replacement was needed.

Todd Hernandez says he wants to be reelected to the Northwestern Lehigh School Board because he likes to have a say in what is going on.

“The community is built on volunteers,” he said. “The board is not paid. It is a chance for me to give back, to be part of the process.”

He says the district is moving forward and wants to help keep it that way.

Hernandez has volunteered with the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association.

“Everything is better when you step up,” he said. “People only come out when there is an issue because they see that the district is moving forward in a positive direction.

A recent issue was the discussion about full-day kindergarten. He said he was opposed in the beginning but realized some of the data being used was flawed.

Phillip Toll wants to earn a two-year position on the Northwestern School Board to fill out the term of Charlene Rauscher.

He said Northwestern has quality education as shown by 2016 data when 97 percent of students graduated.

Presently, the board has begun looking for a new superintendent and he wants to be part of that search.

The board needs to continually be fiscally responsible. This fiscal attention was shown because there has been no tax increase for seven years.

“All community residents like to see priorities identified in the district with the dollars the district can afford for the community, students and tax payers,” he said. “Students need career education. The job market is tight.

“I want to continue for a second term because it is important to share my experience with the directors and the management team.

“The district has millions of dollars for renovations in our facilities master plan.

Toll said he wants residents get engaged in future renovations when they are in the planning stage.