An Eagle Scout project was presented for consideration at the Oct. 19 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting.
Eric Newcomer was seeking permission to make some improvements at Camp Olympic Park.
Plans include building a dirt box where there is currently a patch of weeds. The box will be built into a hill and leveled off. The 12 foot by 8 foot box is similar to one built at Quarry Park.
The other part of the project is to replace the worn signs at the Cross Country Course. As the course is rather big, many signs need to be redone. There are many signs with arrows as well as other signs which include letters. Materials needed for the project will be supplied by the township.
The project was approved.
Speeding continues to be a problem on Mill Creek Road. Residents are asking for more “robust” forms of enforcement. Suggestions include speed bumps and making the road one way. Commissioners will look into the matter further.
The lighting project at Quarry Park has made progress with the bid awarded to Barry J. Hoffman for $278,170. Commissioners approved the bid but Ron R. Beitler was concerned there were no other bids. Several attempts were made to obtain more bids but timing for some companies was an issue. When Keystone was consulted, it was said the bid received was in line with what they might have proposed.
The repairs on the Macungie Road bridge are complete. With this in mind, the bridge’s weight limit has been increased to 11 tons. This must go through the channels to be established which will allow for advertising of the new weight limit.
Mashie Drive is undergoing some water and rain water drainage problems. Maintenance and reconstruction are being done to alleviate ponding of water in the street and on residents’ properties. Part of the project has already fixed the street ponding which had caused a major slipping problem for vehicles as well as pedestrians as the ponding froze.
The water on the properties is runoff from the golf course. Residents have spoken to the owner of Shepherd Hills. Remedies are being considered.
Representatives from Adams Outdoor Advertising asked for reconsideration in the decision to terminate the lease agreement for the billboard on Hamilton Boulevard. Adams has proposed a Lower Macungie Township identifier along the top of the structure at their expense as well as their willingness to explore Adams’ purchase of the parcel and maintenance of the retention pond. No promises of resolution were made to the company.
The next commissioners meeting will be held 7 p.m. Nov. 2 at the Lower Macungie Township Municipal Building, 3400 Brookside Road, Macungie.