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David Molony is nominated as Republican candidate for State Representative 133rd Legislative District

David Molony, of Catasauqua, was unanimously selected as the Republican nominee to run for the state representative seat in the 133rd Legislative District. The selection was announced Oct. 11 by the Republican Committee of the Lehigh County.

The seat was left vacant by the death of state Rep. Dan McNeil.

A special election will be held Dec. 5.

Molony was joined by family and friends in Whitehall, when he was nominated on the first vote. Molony previously had run against McNeil for the seat that encompasses the eastern part of Lehigh County including: Coplay, Catasauqua, Hanover Township, Fountain Hill, and parts of Whitehall, Salisbury and the city of Bethlehem.

“If elected, I will continue with and will expand upon McNeil’s work to address the opioid epidemic in Pennsylvania. I will also work to develop enhanced pain prescription criteria so that those in pain can still have access to medication while reducing its illicit use.

“We can fight the opioid epidemic through education, flexible treatment options, support for families, and additional resources for law enforcement,” continued Molony. The candidate’s priorities will also include: bringing family-sustaining jobs back to the region, advocacy for children and teens, protecting homeowners and taxpayers, and reforming state government. Molony has served on many boards and volunteers frequently including donating to Victory House, and is a former Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children.

Molony is a familiar face throughout the district. “I’ve knocked of over 25,000 doors in previous elections for the 133rd, and have met thousands of people face- to-face. If elected I will be easily accessible, working to ensure the voices of the constituents are heard in Harrisburg.” The candidate continued, “It is time to include the people of the 133rd District in the decisions that affect them. As state representative, I will be a voice for the people of the district and not for special interests, be they corporations or unions.”

Molony is 64 years old and has been married to Dr. Ming Ming Molony since 1988. The couple have a daughter serving in the U.S. Navy and a son in college. To contact candidate David Molony, email Dave@DaveMolony.com, phone 610-443-0609 or visit http://friendofdave.com.

David Molony