Communities That Care will be at Oct. 27 home football game
At its Oct. 20 meeting, Communities That Care discussed the upcoming CTC night at the Zephyrs’ home football game Oct. 27. CTC members and volunteers will have a table set up with their banner and will have students passing out pamphlets warning parents about the dangers of social hosting. The potential dangers of social hosting and spreading awareness about underage drinking continue to be a focus for the group.
The Whitehall Area Community Foundation volunteer recognition breakfast will be held 7:30 a.m. Nov. 7 at Zentz Community Center, Fellowship Community, Whitehall. Shari Noctor, who heads Whitehall Area Hunger Initiative, will be honored.
Whitehall-Coplay School District’s Snack Pack Pals program also was discussed at the meeting. There is a request for continued donations, as well as for volunteers to help package and distribute the packs. The plea for volunteers extended from students at the middle and high school to members of the public. The number of children receiving these packs rose from 50 last year to the current 140. The Hunger Initiative is also doubling its community meals to twice a month. The meals will be held on the first Sunday and third Tuesday of the month. The summer breakfast program will also be extended by a half-hour in 2018.
The group discussed a career fair coming in the spring. They encouraged people from all walks of life to come and participate. The value of apprenticeships for trained fields, such as electricians, was mentioned as well.
Youth and parent education continues to be an important aspect of CTC meetings. Valley Youth House, WCSD and Lehigh County Department of Drug and Alcohol are sponsoring a Strengthening Families program to be held at Whitehall-Coplay Middle School. The workshop is intended to assist youths with the transition into their teenage years and help parents enhance their parenting skills and prepare for different experiences. Parents can contact Pam at 267-930-4618 or for more information.
Students were encouraged to write thank-you notes for servicemen and women. The Phantoms are hosting a special night for military families Dec. 6 and will collect letters for that event.
The annual fall festival and car show for next year have been set. The events will be Oct. 6, 2018.
Communities That Care will hold its next meeting 8:30 a.m. Nov. 17 at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3355 MacArthur Road, Whitehall.