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Board seeks to close two roads to trucks

Following an executive session to discuss personnel the Oct. 19 meeting of the Heidelberg Township supervisors was opened.

Supervisor David Fink suggested two roads - Saegersville and Jones roads - off Mountain Road be closed to trucks except for local deliveries.

The issue is expected to be discussed at a Washington Township meeting as a portion of the roads are in that municipality.

Zoning Officer Chris Noll will check with that township before posting can be done.

In other matters, township Administrator Janice Meyers and Supervisor Steve Bachman are discussing a new contract with the Northern Valley Ambulance Corps.

Jason Breidinger and Kevin Schmidt are the Northern Valley representatives.

Heidelberg will be known as the West Station. The contract can be broken with 180 days notice for failure to perform.

The ambulance is garaged at Heidelberg’s municipal building.

The contract will be accepted at the January reorganization meeting as it runs for three years from January 2018.

Dawn Didra, zoning assistant, was made full time with benefits as a general assistant.

The recreation report by given by Bachman who said trucks are doing doughnuts on the lower fields at the Northwestern Recreation Commission Community Park.

“If you see anything in the lower fields, call the police,” Bachman said. “No vehicles should be there except maintenance.”

Roadmaster Kevin Huber said work is continuing with drainage issues at the fire company and on Memorial Road.

People are still stopping to look at the trucks in the township building front parking lot that are for sale. He received several bids.

Noll reported that unregistered vehicles that receive notices on a Friday are usually removed by Monday.

A barn in poor condition on Jaindl property will be torn down after harvest is finished. There is a second barn that may also be demolished.

He received a call from Fish and Wildlife about pasture runoff on a tributary of the Jordan Creek. Dye testing will be done.

The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System revised will be checked by the Department of Environmental Protection to see if everything is correct.

There are concerns about fairness in the way regulations are written for the volunteer firefighters tax incentive program. Supervisors David Fink and Bachman will attend the next meeting.

There were very few changes on the new draft of the budget. Both income and expenses are at $1,073,903 with no tax increases.

Meyers asked if she should sign up the township for participation in the 2020 census. The last time, the township portion of the work only involved 20 hours and grant monies received depend on population numbers.

The hazard mitigation plan has to be updated every five years. If it is not, no money will be forthcoming from the federal or state emergency management agencies.

Meyers, interim coordinator, and the township emergency management coordinator will take turns attending the county meetings.

Appointed township coordinator was Josh Bingham. He will be asked if he has recommendations for deputy coordinator. Kevin Baer, the previous coordinator, resigned.

The Sanctuary at Haafsville was contracted for animal control. The township has been pleased with its work in past years.

Two pieces of land will be added to the Agricultural Security Area. Glenn and Kathryn Frey are adding 61.5 acres off Bake Oven Road.

There was a question about the L.E.T. Farm Inc. which has 64.91 acres. The address given was the owner’s home address although the land in on Central Road. The change was made and it was accepted.

A zoning amendment was borrowed from Lynn and covers school safety shelters which would be built on a permanent foundation.

To enlarge from a standard size would require a variance and it should be removed if it has not been used as a bus stop shelter for two years unless other children in the family will be using it.

It must be maintained and not have electricity. The building will be considered an accessory use. Solicitor Charles Waters will check with the school to see if they have any opinions on the buildings such as wanting the kids outside where they can be seen.