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Carl gives report on plan

During Lowhill supervisors’ Oct. 5 meeting, township Administrator Brian Carl reported on the multi-municipal plan.

“The township is still trying to get a meeting set up with all the municipalities involved,” Carl explained. “The goal is to have all six municipalities represented.

“They will be trying to get some grant money to help with the plan.”

Carl also reported a hearing concerning the Windy Road concrete driveway has not been scheduled yet.

Chairman Richard Hughes commented on the situation.

“Whoever is going to be plowing in the area [near the driveway] will have to be careful,” Hughes said.

In other matters, supervisors approved Elizabeth Roma Stables, a major subdivision contingent upon all fees being paid.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky reported grass was mowed during September and tiger mowing and tree trimming was finished along Horseshoe Road.

The shoulders were cut and low spots were paved.

Lowhill township workers helped Lynn Township crews put a roof on their township building.

Last year, Lynn Township helped put a roof on Lowhill Township’s salt shed.

Carl informed the board there was a hearing on the Kristofik property. The owner did not show for the hearing.

Hughes made a motion and the board voted to file a lien against the property if the judgment is not satisfied within the specified grace period.

Carl explained that under Act 172 the current tax discount for volunteer responders is either a rebate of 20 percent of municipal real estate tax or a refund of .5 percent of earned income tax.

Lynn Township is recommending changes to the current system and that a meeting of surrounding townships be held so that they can all be on the same page.

“That ideally one supervisor from each of the four townships and the four fire chiefs should attend the meeting,” Carl stated.

The system that Lynn is proposing is a flat amount.

“It seems like an easier system,” Carl said. “It allows us to be little bit more fair. It is no longer based on how much money you make or how big your house is.”

A new oil/water separator falls under the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Plan).

The price of $3,500 will be put into next year’s budget.

The township is looking into closing two bridges permanently, Winchester and Narris Road bridges.

Roads will be blocked off and signs will be put up before the closings.

Name changes to roads may occur.

“It’s going to be a really nice area for a walking path and riding bicycles,” Supervisor George Wessner commented.

Trick or Treat Night will be 6-8 p.m. Oct. 28 rain or shine.

Secretary Jill Seymour reported Cargill won the multi-municipal salt bid. Lowhill supervisors accepted the bid. Lowhill will be ordering 250 tons of road salt at $53.15 per ton delivered.

Debbie and Jack McDermitt approached the board asking for a sign to be put on a little tributary running from Jordan Creek that they had named through the U.S. Board of Geographic Names.

They had the tributary named Cherith Brook 14 years ago. The board gave them permission for the sign.

Hughes told the couple the township would install the sign but the McDermitts would be required to pay for it.

As its last order of business, the board approved to donate $1,500 to the Northwestern Recreation Commission.