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Students at Salisbury Township School District have joined the “Kindness Rocks” initiative.

The project was initially developed by Megan Murphy, of Cape Cod, Mass., as a way to spread kindness and inspiration through the happenstance of finding one of the hidden rocks along one’s journey.

During the Oct. 11 Salisbury Township School District meeting, student representatives spoke about their enjoyment of making and finding the rocks.

According to student representative Carlee Ziegenfus, the project is a “reminder of how the kids should be nice to one another.”

The rocks are hand painted with a whimsical picture or symbol on one side and an inspirational or fun message on the other. Once the rock is completed, the creator must then take a picture of their rock, post it on the STSD Facebook page and then “hide” their rock in a public place somewhere in the township. Those who find the rocks are encouraged to create their own inspirational gem for someone to find, thus passing the kindness along. The finder may also choose to keep the rock or hide it somewhere else in the township to be found again.

Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Dr. Lynn Fuini-Hetten said the project is open not only to children in the district; but rather, is open to people of all ages and she encouraged all residents to take a part in the fun project.

Fuini-Hetten also noted those who attend the community breakfast Nov. 11 at Salisbury High School will have an opportunity to create their own “Kindness Rock.”