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The Oct. 10 Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission meeting began with the discussion of an expansion of the Lower Macungie Township Community Center.

The expansion adds access to Indian Creek Road and would improve the gymnasium. The township is waiting to hear if they will receive a grant for a playground.

There was also discussion of the 1935 Willow Lane property. The property was previously the location of Willows Family Restaurant. The applicants want to reopen the restaurant without changing property dimensions.

The applicants do not want to spend a lot of money on frontage improvements, wanting to defer on the improvements until a larger amount of the sidewalk would be put in. The applicant talked about raising the roof of the property.

Another item on the meeting agenda was the Orchid Place subdivision. The property is a two lot subdivision near the Pool Wildlife Sanctuary. One of the lots is 1.1 acres and has an existing dwelling and the other lot is approximately half an acre.

The CVS to be built at Route 100 and Willow Lane also was discussed during the meeting. The applicant talked about the extensive landscaping along the frontage of the property. The planning commission said the CVS irrigation plan is adequate. The lot line adjustment and final land development plan for CVS was approved.

There was also discussion about a property on Hamilton Boulevard that would include an Arby’s.

The planning commission wants to keep working on a connection between the property and the Hamilton Crossings shopping center. The planning commission is hoping for a pathway so people can walk between the two properties.

The planning commission wants to focus on how the farmhouse and new addition will blend together where the structures merge and hope to make the merge between the two buildings look seamless.

Natural Wonders Early Learning Center was also on the agenda for the meeting. There was a discussion about the importance of lighting in the parking lot because at certain times of year children will be dropped off and picked up when it is still dark outside.

There was also a conversation about separating the path the children use from the parking lot or making certain parking spots for employees only.

Cedarbrook Road Industrial Park, 619 Shantz Road, was also a topic discussed during the meeting. The 35-plus acre property was subdivided into two lots, one of 10.3 acres and the other 25 acres. There was discussion about keeping the emergency access.

There will be no improvements made on either road. The wooded buffer on the northern property line is very important because it helps maintain the quality of a nearby stream.

Proposed Ordinance 1185 came up during the planning commission meeting. The ordinance is to amend the Borough of Emmaus’ Official Zoning Map. The land in question is in the South Mountain area and adjacent to Upper Milford Township. If the zoning line is extended, it will allow for another 12 to 13 townhouses.

The planning commission was against the ordinance because it violated the comprehensive plan both groups were involved in creating. Planning commission member Robert Rust said he strongly objected to the higher density development in the area and had concerns about access.

The Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission will have its next meeting 7 p.m. Nov. 14 in the Lower Macungie Township Building.

PRESS PHOTO BY KEVIN JONESAn image of a proposed version of the Arby's property on Hamilton Boulevard is shown at the Oct. 10 Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission meeting.