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It’s not your grandfather’s middle school

Nitschmann MS hosted an open house Oct. 4 for the public to showcase the new $53.1 million, 180,000-square-foot building.

The evening began with Principal Peter Mayes giving a brief introduction in the school’s auditorium before inviting everyone to explore the new school. Many teachers and students were posted around the campus and in classrooms to greet the public and answer questions.

The new school offers bright, spacious rooms with a modern touch throughout. All classrooms feature tables rather than desks that will allow students to interact and collaborate more. The hallways have TV monitors hung in various locations and a lounge area for students to work on projects.

The school has a larger seating capacity in both the auditorium and gymnasium than in the previous building. One of the more prominent features of the new school is a lab with three adjoining rooms that focuses on engineering with the use of computers and 3D printers.

PRESS PHOTOS BY MARK KIRLINAttendees begin to file into the new Nitschmann MS for the public's first chance to view the building from the inside. More photos on page A2.