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UCC board members challenged

A resolution to establish a Uniform Construction Code appeals board was the main subject at the Oct. 3 Washington Township supervisors meeting.

Previously they shared a board with Heidelberg and Lynn townships.

Josh Karoly asked how the people chosen were qualified and if the need for members was advertised.

Josh Friebolin said when an appeal comes up the question of board makeup would be answered.

“You are closing comments without giving an answer. Who can tell if the person is qualified if you can’t. Are board members paid?” asked Karoly.

Friebolin said members are paid $50 regardless of how long a meeting lasts.

Resident Ellen Biegly asked why people are always chosen from different townships. Friebolin said there is no requirement that they be from the township.

Appointed were David Shankweiler, Barry Cohen, Bruce Matthews, Elijah Skrimncosky and Steve Yavorski.

In other matters, Marzepa Farms on 9855 Ashfield Road requested a waiver to have an easement across another person’s property for a driveway.

If the easement is not given by the second land owner, Stephen Marzepa will have to find a different location for his driveway.

He also has a minor subdivision which was conditionally approved with the payment of rec fees and all engineer’s conditions to be met.

Three people were exonerated from the per capita tax for active military duty.

Sherry Graver, Emergency Management Coordinator, said the fire companies and Red Cross went out for the fourth time to install free smoke detectors for residents who want them. They have visited 700 homes this year.

A second fire safety and emergency meeting is being held but if attendance has not improved over the first one there will be no more.

The fire company will visit Peters and Slatington elementary schools for Fire Safety Month.

When applying for money from the Federal Emergency Management Agency townships will have to supply certifications.

Keystone Consulting Engineer Eric Erb was named alternate sewage enforcement officer.

Trick or Treat Night will be Oct. 25, the same night as Slatington, from 6 to 8 p.m.

Bids were opened for the 1988 Ford dump truck that is for sale with two bids received. The accepted bid was for $1,505 from Ed Ziegler.

A waiver was requested for well distance between a new septic system and the well at 4513 Mountain Road.

The board granted the waiver but an indemnification agreement was required to absolve the township of any liability.

Bill Jones, 7761 Center St., said he has a big problem with stray cats. He feeds birds, ducks, rabbits and deer and finds blood where the cats killed the smaller animals.

There is a problem with elevations between roadwork and a private driveway at 7265 Christmas Lane. The township will call the landowner after checking it.