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Hughes misses meeting

Lowhill Township supervisors’ Vice Chairman George Wessner Jr. sat in for Chairman Richard Hughes who was unavailable due to an accident in Syracuse, N.Y.

Wessner reported Hughes is all right.

Plans for a lot line adjustment for Michael Ciccone and Martin Nothstein were accepted for final review and approved by the board.

The preliminary plan for Elizabeth Roma Stables was accepted contingent on the board receiving two necessary letters.

The final plan will be submitted at next month’s meeting.

The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) plan has been updated and the mapping is done.

The township, in the process of updating operational and maintenance manuals, is on track with implementing MS4.

A rough price estimate is being sought from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission for the multimunicipal plan which could help the township obtain money from the county to pay for the plan.

These plans should be updated every 10 years. The current plan has been in place for about 14-15 years and needs to be updated.

As for roadwork, during August, roads were prepped for oil and chip. Road shoulders were cut, weeds were sprayed, and there were about six days of cleanup from the storm.

Grass was mowed and the trees on Horseshoe Road were trimmed.

Horseshoe Road is expected to be paved soon although rainy weather may impact this. Part of this project involved shoveling out gutters and filling some that were low. Some grading of washed out dirt roads was also done.

The zoning ordinance review was tabled until Hughes is present.

Discussion on the issue of Act 172 of 2016 tax relief for volunteer emergency service was tabled.

Heidelberg Township supervisors are looking at changing a few items.

In new business, road crews encountered parked cars on a road during line striping.

Requests to not park on roads are not being taken seriously.

To enforce this, an ordinance is needed and “no parking” signs need to be posted.

Winter is difficult, especially in cul de sacs.

Supervisors will review this for next month in preparation for winter.

Trick or Treat Night will be 6-8 p.m. Oct. 28, rain or shine.

Ron and Lyla Derr, residents of the township for more than 50 years, thanked the township for refunding a zoning permit they paid for but decided not to use.

The township’s pre-budget workshop will be scheduled within the next month.

Ordinance for outdoor wood burners, regulations regarding ATVs, and RV setbacks were tabled until Hughes returns.

Resident Terry Miller received board approval to receive a refund of half his property taxes.

This is based on his disabled veteran status. There are two such veterans in the township. The request for such an exemption must be refiled every five years.