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Recreation commission receives donation

Don Link, president of the Northwestern Recreation Commission, said at the Aug. 30 meeting that $1,500 had been received from Insulation Corporation of America to help pay for the walking path at the recreation fields.

The school may help with some of the work on the crosswalks on Northwest Road at the entrance to the Northwestern Recreation Commission Community Park.

The issue is expected to be discussed at the next school board meeting.

The USSSA softball director had reserved a number of dates to use the recreation fields last year and then cancelled at the last minute.

For next year, May 26, 27; June 2, 3; and July 14, 15 have been reserved. It will be fast pitch softball and baseball.

They will be given an answer next month after the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association has a chance to review dates the NYAA needs the fields.

Recreation commission members discussed having the USSSA pay $100 nonrefundable in advance and have two weeks ahead to give notice of cancellation.

The two weeks will be discussed with the group and may change. The $100 can be applied to field charges.

Kathy Hermany, chair of the Night in the Country celebration in August, said the Miller-Keystone Blood Bank had its best night ever with 21 registering and 16 donating.

The profit from Night in the Country is expected to be down due to setting off the fireworks early because of weather.

“A lot of people were still coming in at 8 p.m.,” Link said. “The last fireworks went off as the rain began.”

Link said even with the bad weather people got out and saw each other and enjoyed the evening.

Heidelberg Township Roadmaster Kevin Huber rolled the fields with a 20-ton roller due to damage from vehicles moving when the ground was soft from the rain.

Caps for the end of bleachers were discussed because someone cut a leg on a sharp edge.

They cost $9.90 each for aluminum or $16.50 for 10 plastic caps.

An alternative, said Heidelberg Township representative Steve Bachman, would be to paint them with rubberized material.

The law firm of Steckel and Stopp, Slatington, offered suggestions to the bylaws but most of them were to be found in another portion of the document.

Attorney Keith Strohl said the by-laws do not have to be advertised. Attorney’s fees have been raised for the new year.

Treasurer Christie Steigerwalt, works for and is bonded by the school district. It will be checked to see if she needs separate bonding for her work with the recreation commission.