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Historical Society

GOV. Wolf:

The Governor Wolf Historical Society opens its campus, 6600 Jacksonville Road, Bath, for “Tavern Nights,” evenings of music and fun, beginning Sept. 8 with the Irish band, Seasons, which features hammer dulcimer, tin flute, harp, fiddle and guitar.

The program is the second Friday monthly through March 2018. A musician or music group performs in each of the three buildings. Music genres are blues, bluegrass, folk, and Celtic.

The evenings offer history demonstrators, liquor tastings, additional music and activities throughout the buildings.

The event is BYOB. Complimentary non-alcoholic beverages and light snacks are available.

There are pub tables and seating, with fireplaces blazing and 1800s costumed servers and guides.

The campus opens at 6:30 p.m. Doors to the Ralston-McKeen House, the main venue, open at 6:45 p.m. with music beginning at 7 p.m.

Reservations are not required.

Information: govwolf.org