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Another year begins at Emmaus High School.

We welcome our new principal Dr. Kate Kieres to EHS.

Students started school Aug. 28, fall sports have started and all of our teams have been doing fantastic so far.

Beginning Aug. 31, students with late arrival and early dismissal on their schedule must report to the auditorium for the remainder of the six-day cycle until the late arrival or early dismissal privilege form has been submitted at their respective grade level offices.

All financial obligations must be fulfilled in order for this privilege to be approved. This privilege may not be granted to students who do not adhere to the schedule provided and may result in loss of privilege and/or disciplinary action. If you have any questions regarding this schedule, contact the main office.

The school will be closed Sept. 1 through Sept. 4 for the Labor Day holiday.

Looking ahead, Sept. 7 will be picture day for all EHS students in the auditorium during the school day.

A 12th grade parent college application information session will be held 6 to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 7 at EHS.

Parent night will be held 6 p.m. Sept. 14 at the school.