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Former Emmaus man uncovers family who served in Revolutionary War

The American Revolutionary War, April 19, 1775 to Sept. 3, 1783, was an historic event which ultimately led to America breaking free from the oppressive reigns of British rule.

While the war led to America’s freedom, it produced its share of casualties, with an estimated 6,800 who died in action, with an additional 17,000 deaths a result of disease and 8,000 to 12,000 who died as prisoner of war.

How many among us can say we are related to someone who served in that war?

Former Emmaus resident and U.S. Air Force veteran James Carl is one such person who can claim a connection to a Revolutionary War veteran.

Carl’s third great-grandfather Pvt. John George Carl served in the Pennsylvania militia during the American Revolutionary War.

Pvt. John George Carl, who died Oct. 22, 1839 at the age of 75, is buried at Old Zionsville United Church of Christ.

Carl, who now resides in Florida, became interested in researching family who may have served in the war after speaking with his father. His research, which began in 2008, has now become a hobby.

“When my dad was living I asked him what he knew beyond his grandfather,” he said. “His answer was not much from what I knew but his grandfather was raised by a family in the Salisbury area. And from that is where my story began.”

When Carl found out family had served in the war, he was stunned.

“I was proud of my whole family,” he said.

According to Carl, he has uncovered other family members who served in the war, including Pvt. John George Carl’s older brother, Peter.

Carl stressed Americans should continue to maintain a connection and understanding of the Revolutionary War era.

“This and all wars are our history,” he said. “Much life and sacrifices have been given for our freedoms. We should all support our women and men who have given so much to keep us safe and free.”

Carl is a member of the Florida chapter of the Sons of the Revolution, which strives to educate the public about the American Revolutionary War.

PRESS PHOTOS BY MARK RECCEKU.S. Air Force veteran James Carl proudly pays homage Aug. 17 to his third great-grandfather and American Revolutionary War veteran Pvt. John George Carl, who is buried at Old Zionsville United Church of Christ.