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Live concert

On their 25th anniversary tour and after a seven-year hiatus, Live impressed its fans with a performance of undeniable camaraderie at on the Sands Steel Stage Aug. 7 at Musikfest, Bethlehem.

As the concert began, the stage was backdropped with white lights that spelled out the name, “Live,” and flashing red lights as energetic passion exploded from lead singer Ed Kowalczyk when he sang “All Over You.”

Following with bright blue stage lighting came “Pain Lies on the Riverside,” a song from the group’s first major performance at The Roxy in Los Angeles in 1992. The song was performed effortlessly, with the group hitting every key note and putting the crowd in a head-bobbing dance.

“Dolphin’s Cry” was set to a stage awash in purple lights as the beautifully melodic song brought chills to those listening.

“How y’all feeling now?” Kowalczyk asked with a big smile on his face.

“Thanks for taking care of that rain for us. I don’t know who you called or what you did, but thank you,” Kowalczyk joked about a rainstorm that had stopped.

Chad Taylor, lead guitar, and Kowalczyk hugged after Taylor paid Kowalczyk a compliment regarding his writing and singing skills. The audience was truly able to sense the band members’ connections and how happy they were to once again be performing together.

It was stated that, because of an injury, Chad Gracey, drummer, was unable participate in the concert. He was replaced by Robin Diaz.

“It feels so good to be up here tonight. Let’s do it again shall we?” Kowalczyk said.

Although the skies had cleared and there was no lighting when Live ended the concert, it was appropriated they did so with “Lightning Crashes.” The audience crowd joined in singing the chorus.

Three of the four original Live band mates, Kowalczyk, Taylor, and Patrick Dahlheimer, bass, hugged in the middle of the stage during the song as the concert night ended on a nice note.

PRESS PHOTO BY LORI PATRICKEd Kowalczyk, lead singer of Live, in concert Aug. 7, Sands Steel Stage, Musikfest, Bethlehem. Copyright - Contact: lori@expressions21.com LORI PATRICK