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Box office hours extended for Great Allentown Fair

The Great Allentown Fair is extending hours at its Main Box Office to accommodate the increased demand for show, ride and Fair admission tickets for the fair, Aug. 29 through Labor Day Sept. 4.

The Fair Box Office is located inside the Allentown Fairgrounds between the Ritz Barbecue and The Farmers Market.

Box office hours are 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays until Aug. 22.

The satellite Liberty Street Box Office takes over Aug. 23 with additional hours when the Allentown Fairgrounds gates are closed in preparation for the Fair.

Liberty Street Box Office is located at Gate 8 along Liberty Street, adjacent to the MainGate Nightclub.

Tickets are on sale for the Grandstand show, the Mega 99.5 “Summer’s Last Bash,” starring Tito Nieves, Ivy Queen and Jose Alberto “El Canario,” Sept. 3.

The Fair Box Office sells tickets to the Fair’s seven Grandstand shows, advance discount tickets for all day ride wristbands and advance half-price admission tickets to the fair that can be used at the gates whenever regular admission is charged. The box office accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

Show and ride tickets are also available 24 hours a day through Ticketmaster online and over the phone and at Ticketmaster outlets during their hours. Half-price Fair admission tickets are available for purchase through Ticketmaster online.

Information: allentownfairpa.org.