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Several dozen Salisbury youngsters and adult residents of the township had an opportunity to have close police encounters of the pleasant kind July 25 at a Salisbury Township Police Department “Coffee with Cops” community outreach event at the South Mall Starbucks.

Event organizer Cpl. Christopher Casey was positive about the get-together at the coffee shop.

“Our police department officers recognize that having positive interactions with our community is vital toward building a partnership between the residents and our officers. We understand well that this partnership makes our jobs easier, and it increases the quality of life for our residents.”

School summer vacation provided the opportunity for parents or grandparents to bring Salisbury youngsters to the event to have a cellphone photo opportunity with Salisbury’s finest.

For adult residents, Casey said a variety of topics were posed to Chief Allen Stiles, Sgts. Kevin Soberick and Ronald Patten and other patrol officers able to stop by during their duty tours. Casey said topics covered were how to begin a block watch program, traffic concerns and other community concerns.

“One female even inquired if I knew of any officers that were single,” Casey concluded with a laugh.

One of several Salisbury youngsters to meet Salisbury police officers at an afternoon, July 25, “Coffee with Cops” community outreach session at Starbucks at the South Mall, Samantha Karol is made to feel welcome by Detective Kevin Kress, left, Cpl. Christopher Casey, center, who organized the event and Police Chief Allen Stiles.PRESS PHOTO BY JIM MARSH