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The Salisbury Township Planning Commission in its first session to discuss possible revisions to the township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, chose to leave well enough alone.

During discussion of the township SALDO, the planners, township Consulting Engineer David J. Tettemer, township Solictior, Atty. John W. Ashley and township Director of Planning and Zoning Cynthia Sopka highlighted the process of granting waivers.

It was concluded the granting of waivers would continue to be decided by planners and not solely by Tettemer and Sopka, as had been suggested by Tettemer.

“At least if it’s [waiver decisions] here [planning commission], it’s in the public,” Ashley said.

“Let’s keep it the way it is now,” Tettemer said.

Planners next meet 7:30 p.m. Aug. 8 when discussion of the SALDO is expected to continue.

Also, at the July 11 meeting, the township planners voted 7-0 to approve:

•The proposed preliminary-final subdivision and lot line adjustment at 2242 Church Road.

The adjustment will allow property owner Marlene Bratsch to receive about 4,006-square-feet of land from Thomas Lessol.

•The proposed preliminary-final subdivision and lot consolidation plan for 3120 Douglas Road and 2736 West Rock Road.

The lot adjustment will ensure access to a spring on the property of Joshua Stoeckel, 3120 Douglas Road. His father, Daniel Stoeckel, 2736 West Rock Road, is the adjacent property owner.