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Leaser Lake Foundation plans improvements

Jaimie Townsend, co-chair of the Leaser Lake Foundation, said major projects at the dam are finished.

During the foundation’s July 27 meeting, members discussed remaining smaller items.

Townsend said they do not want a Disney World, but rather little attractions at the lake.

Mike McCartney said although there are 120 birdhouses for bluebirds, kestrels, wood ducks and one for purple martins, more are on the way.

He said it takes a couple years for purple martins to locate and move into a house, but they moved in quickly and tend to return year after year.

He said there are 28 in residence. Even the Audubon Society expressed surprise the birds moved in so fast.

Some 230 species of birds have been identified at the lake.

A descriptive bird panel will be added to help people identify birds.

Townsend suggested they meet only a couple times a year, including one in December to close out the year.

The Kempton Lions Club and Lions Clubs International plan to build a pavilion at the large picnic area, with Lehigh County approval.

The county requires permits from groups of more than 10.

The pavilion will be enclosed beyond just a roof and four poles.

The Lions are looking for grants as the club cannot afford the total cost.

The picnic area should get more use with the pavilion, Townsend said.

The foundation has funding to demolish the old bathrooms at the West Launch and put in new ones similar to those at the South Launch.

There are meetings scheduled with the county to discuss this issue.

Team River Runners, Lehigh Valley, will have its last paddle for the year on Aug. 9.

The Lehigh Valley chapter of a national organization, originally to aid injured veterans, added individuals with spinal cord injuries to those who come out to kayak using the handicapped accessible dock.

Trash becomes a problem on some weekends and holidays. Materials to clean up after dogs will be provided. Recyclables can be taken to the big maintenance building.

Lehigh County sends out a maintenance person two days a week to mow the grass and to do other work.

There was discussion of opening the back acreage for more trails. They would like to have bird or animal blinds in the northeast area. The Audubon Society would be asked for information about that project.

Townsend asked if anyone had data on usage. He has seen groups from New Jersey.

With no swimming allowed at the lake, no one was worried about excessive use.

Anyone who donated more than $100 to the project will receive a paver near the Frederick Leaser Memorial.

Joe Ortiz of Allentown was receiving a lesson from George White on what is doable in a kayak. Team River Runner, Lehigh Valley, sponsors the adaptive kayak event on Leaser Lake. Joe tipped over a week ago but is back for a better experience.