The 66th annual Vera Cruz Homecoming will be held noon to 9 p.m. Aug. 20, at Mystic Chain Park, 3718 Main Road East. This year’s homecoming will feature new entertainment, especially entertainment geared toward children. There will be face painters, children’s games, a bounce house, dunk tank and crafters. The event will also help celebrate the 75th anniversary of both Upper Milford Township fire companies – Citizens Fire Company of Vera Cruz and Upper Milford Western District Fire Company of Zionsville.
Jeff Tapler, local television personality “Uncle Jeffrey,” will broadcast his weekly Health and Happiness show live from homecoming 3 to 5 p.m.
The annual homecoming, sponsored by the Vera Cruz Community Association and held rain or shine, is Vera Cruz’s version of a community block party and is open to everyone (residents and nonresidents of Vera Cruz alike).
Additional musical entertainment will include the Rehrig Brothers, who are returning this year and will take the stage noon to 3 p.m.; School’s Out will perform 5 to 8 p.m.
The day’s events begin 9 a.m. with a community homecoming service at the Vera Cruz E.C. Church.
The day will be filled with entertainment, cakewalks and a raffle drawing. Homemade food will be provided by the Vera Cruz Community Association, including plenty of ice cream, funnel cakes and hot dogs. To volunteer or for information, call Dave Lindstrom at 610 704-9808.
The Upper Milford Historical Society will meet 7 p.m. Aug. 24, in the Upper Milford Township building. Firearms historian and collector Richard Hujsa will show antique rifles and discuss the historical significance of his valuable gun collection.
Following is the August schedule for Milford Park Bible Camp. All programs and services are open to everyone and will take place rain or shine. All concerts start 7 p.m. A free will offering will be taken at all programs:
Milford Park family camp: 10 a.m. Aug. 7 to 12; Bible study taught by Todd Wolfe.
Piercing Word from Lancaster: A dramatic presentation of God’s word, 7 p.m. Aug. 8.
Chalk artist Elva Hurst presents, “You Can Make a Difference.” 7 p.m. Aug. 9.
Gospel concert by Tim Zimmerman and the Kings Brass Aug. 12.
Ladies Day with Jennie Harclerode 10:30 a.m. Aug. 19; noon, ladies luncheon. There is a cost for the luncheon. Call 610-967-5382 for luncheon tickets.
Concert by the Macungie Band 6 p.m. Aug. 20.
Milford Park is located on Routes 29 and 100 in Zionsville. For more information call 610-966-4240. View the entire summer schedule at www.milfordpark.org.
The Western District Fire Company will serve an all-you-can-eat breakfast, 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Aug. 6. There are senior, adult and children’s prices. For information on the breakfasts, call the fire company at 610-966-3541 or Carol Shade at 610-966-3902.
The Vera Cruz Community Association meets 7:30 p.m. Aug. 10 at the Citizens Fire Company Social Hall, 4093 Main Road West, Emmaus.
The Upper Milford Fire Company’s ladies auxiliary meets 7 p.m. Aug. 7. New members are always welcome.
The Ladies Auxiliary of Citizens Fire Company of Vera Cruz meets 7:30 p.m. Aug. 29 at the Vera Cruz Fire Department Social Hall. They are always looking for new members. For information, call Emily at 610-972-6573 or email VeraCruzLadiesAux@VCFD28.com.
Vera Cruz senior citizens meet 1 p.m. Aug. 3 and 17 at the Vera Cruz Fire Company. All are welcome.
Lower Milford Township’s 15th annual Fall Festival will be held 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 23, rain or shine, on the township building grounds, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road. Activities will include: crafts and games for kids, live music, free carriage and hay rides, photo contest (prizes awarded) and a silent auction (this year benefiting Lower Milford Township Park). Volunteers are needed. Call 610-967-4949 for more information. Vendors are also being sought. Call today to reserve your space.
Lower Milford Township supervisors meet the first and third Thursday of the month, beginning 7:30 p.m. The first meeting, Aug. 3, will be a workshop and the second meeting, Aug. 17, is the regular business meeting. Action may be taken at both meetings.
Other Lower Milford meetings are as follows; unless otherwise noted, they will begin 7:30 p.m.: the planning commission meets the first Monday of the month; recreation and open space board, Aug. 9; historical commission, Aug. 8.
Upper Milford supervisors will meet 7 p.m. Aug. 3 and 17.
The Upper Milford Recreation Commission meets 7:30 p.m. Aug. 21. The Upper Milford Open Space Committee is scheduled to meet 7:30 p.m. Aug. 9 if there is action to be taken. Check with the township office to find out if they are meeting.
The Upper Milford Planning Commission meets 7:30 p.m. the Monday prior to the first Thursday of every month unless that is a holiday.
The Joint Environmental Advisory Council meets 7 p.m. Aug. 28 in Emmaus Borough Council chambers, 28 S. Fourth St.
If you have news or information for this column, which runs the first Wednesday of every month, please call me at 610-838-8923 or email me at bruce.swan@rcn.com.