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The Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners, convening as the Shade Tree Commission, granted the appeals of two residents and denied the appeal of a third resident.

The township Shade Tree Commission, chaired by Atty. John W. Ashley, Salisbury Township solicitor, with a court stenographer typing the testimony, and with Sandy Nicolo, Salisbury Township code enforcement officer, answering questions, reviewed three appeals and voted unanimously 5-0 at the July 13 hearing to:

•Approve the appeal of Janice Kulikowski, 2801 Andrea Drive, for the planting of a tree to replace a tree that was removed. There were concerns about the proximity of a new tree to a tree already there and also the proximity of a new tree to a stop sign.

•Approve the appeal of Spurgeen Tretter, 2808 Andrea Drive, for the planting of a tree to replace a tree that had been struck by lightning and was removed. There were concerns about the proximity of a new tree to a natural gas line installed in 1997 and the proximity of a new tree to a sanitary sewer line.

•Deny the appeal of the owner of 1810 Piccadilly Circle. The property owner did not attend the Shade Tree Appeal Hearing. Ashley said the appeal could be granted or denied. It was denied.

The hearing led to a discussion about the Shade Tree Ordinance and its enforcement.

“I think this is one thing that’s coming out: We need to revamp our [Shade Tree] ordinance,” Commissioner Deb Brinton said. “He’s [Nicolo] trying to follow the ordinance.”

“There’s a lot of things that need to be worked out when we redo this ordinance,” Nicolo agreed.

“I guess there are a lot of variables in the ordinance,” Brinton said.

Observed Ashley, “The ordinance is pretty clear and that’s why you have some discretion.”

In other business at the July 13 meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 to accept the audited financial report for the year ending Dec. 31, 2016.