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Board discusses various park items

Various pieces of information regarding Ontelaunee Park were presented to the Lynn Township supervisors.

Chris Noll and Roadmaster Bruce Raber will meet to discuss the railroad trestle subject.

Funding for the bridge is being sought through the state Municipal Services Department.

The contract for line painting in the park, with an estimate of $991.25, was given to Diamond Construction.

Secretary Kathy Hermany was instructed to obtain quotes for the removal of the old pavilion.

She was also instructed not to take any more rentals for the year.

Robert Smith was hired as a part-time laborer to work in the park.

Sue Giralico of the township recreation committee, reported the recent car cruise was a success.

There were 152 participants which yielded a profit of $1,250 for the park.

John Halasovski, Sassafras Road, asked the board what was happening with the property on Sassafras Road with all the garbage and refuse.

Engineer Chris Noll replied a letter was sent and the situation will be monitored.

New Tripoli Fire Chief Peter Christ reported the fire company had 101 calls to date for the year.

The fire company was presented with a certificate relating to the certification of its members.

Seventy five percent of its members received certification. This figure is up from last years total of 50 percent.

Bruce Raber’s road report indicated the road crew was shoulder mowing, oiling and chipping, hauling scrap, repairing dirt roads and checking that all drains are open.

Donations to the two fire companies were approved. New Tripoli will receive $6000.00 and Lynnport will receive $4000.00

Two properties were added to the Ag Security District. Brian and Fay Dietrich offered a 44.3 acre tract and Richard Hermany presented a 22.0477 acre tract.

Kathy Hermany reported a courtesy letter was mailed to the owner of the burned out trailer in New Tripoli.

Ronnie Utt will demolish the structure once a derelict car is removed from the property.

Solicitor Marc Fisher will move ahead with the advertisement for the mini cell tower ordinance.