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Two Salisbury Scouts earn Eagle rank

Jacob Glenister and Zackary Reinhart received the rank of Eagle Scout recently at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church. The two Scouts are members of Boy Scout Troop 5, sponsored by St. Timothy.

Jacob Glenister, the son of Rebecca and Michael Glenister, started in Cub Scouts with Pack 439, eventually transferring to Pack 5 where he completed all the Cub Scout ranks and earned the Arrow of Light. He joined Troop 5 with several of his Western Salisbury Elementary School classmates to continue his Scouting career.

As a Scout, he earned merit badges and held various leadership positions including webmaster, senior patrol leader and Troop guide. He is a member of Scouting’s honor society, the Order of the Arrow; attended National Youth Leadership Training; spent two weeks on a backpacking trek in the backcountry in New Mexico at Philmont Scout Ranch and participated in hundreds of hours of community service.

For Glenister’s Eagle project, he provided computers for use at Community Bike Works in Allentown, an organization which “provides inner-city children living in at-risk situations with meaningful work-ethic alternatives to gangs, drugs and the streets.” He developed a plan to take out-of-date computers and make them useable using a less popular but free operating system. He led other Scouts in collecting old computers and parts, wiping the hard drives to protect privacy and then rebuilding as many computers as they could from the donations.

Glenister taught the Scouts how to install an operating system and educational software and delivered 10 computers to the charity. He also had Scouts form a team to research and report recycling options for the remaining parts. His project provided computers for underprivileged kids and kept computers out of the landfill, while using freeware to do so.

Glenister is a graduate of Salisbury High School and will attend Penn State University Schreyer Honors College where he intends to major in computer science.

Zackary Reinhart, the son of Lisa and Gary Reinhart, started in Cub Scouts with Pack 5 where he completed all the Cub Scout ranks and earned the Arrow of Light. He joined Troop 5 with several of his Western Salisbury Elementary School classmates to continue his Scouting career.

As a Scout, he earned merit badges and held various leadership positions including chaplain aide, senior patrol leader and junior assistant Scout master. He attended National Youth Leadership Training; is a member of Scouting’s honor society, the Order of the Arrow; spent two weeks on a backpacking trek in the backcountry in New Mexico at Philmont Scout Ranch and participated in numerous community service projects during his seven years with the Troop.

For Reinhart’s Eagle project, he solicited donations from local businesses and supervised execution of the removal of invasive species, planting shrubs and building shelters of natural materials to attract wildlife at Wildlands Conservancy, in Emmaus.

Ten individuals under Reinhart’s leadership put in over 135 hours to complete this improvement to the nature preserve whose mission is to “protect and restore critical natural areas and waterways, and educate the community to create a legacy of a healthy, sustainable environment for future generations.”

Reinhart is a graduate of Salisbury High school and will attend Penn State Harrisburg to pursue a degree in engineering.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOZackary Reinhart and Jacob Glenister are honored during an Eagle Scout ceremony recently at St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church.