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4-H’ers, Grange members clear roadside debris

In their 28th year of participation, first in Keep America Beautiful and then PennDOT’s Adopt-A-Highway programs, members of Seipstown Grange 1657 were gratified with 30 member contingent of 4-H youth, their leaders and parents joining in this massive springtime cleanup for the club’s seventh straight year.

Calling the former Seipstown Grange building their home for decades, the 4-H’ers swell the ranks of Grangers in the cleanup of 11 miles of highway, 8 miles of which are Route 100 between Fogelsville and Pleasant Corners and 3 miles of Claussville Road between Route 100 and Seipstown.

After everyone completed their designated areas the haul was in excess of 60 overflowing large trash bags and more than enough buckets, lumber, car debris from accidents and rubber treads from trucks to easily overflow the bed of a pickup truck.

Jodi Schiffert coordinated the 4-H members and leaders, working with Seipstown Grange Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator Ann Wertman.

Volunteering many additional hours along with Wertman were Grange members Ron and Lyla Derr as well as cleanup enthusiasts Grant and Jill Mertz of Mertz Signs, Germansville.

While all commented that unfortunately the haul each spring seems to grow in quantity, the youth recognize the importance of their contribution, noting they would never consider discarding items from their vehicles and taking away from the beauty of the countryside.

Wertman noted additional volunteers are desperately needed to continue this worthy Seipstown Grange service program both in spring and fall.

Anyone who would like to be part of this beautification project need only volunteer an hour or two and can do so by calling Ann at 610-298-3254 or emailing annawertman@verizon.net.

Covering 11 miles of highway converts to 22 miles of walking and bending in the great outdoors.

This is certainly a great switch from a routine exercise program while cleaning litter for a mile or two adds the satisfaction of community service to your accomplishment.

press photo COURTESY OF jodi schiffert4-H members and leaders joining the litter crew were Debbie Geiger, Jonas Geiger, Mason Havercamp, Tori Schiffert, Ryan Havercamp, Riley Nyce, Aliza Nyce, Samantha Christman, Malachi Smith, Marshal Wetzel, Hannah Smith, Amber Schiffert, Greg Christman, Shannon Wetzel, Sydney Nyce, Julia Wetzel, Faith Smith, Parker Fink, Jon Smith, Ryan Haas, Marvin Smith, Kurt