During the June 28 Alburtis Borough Council meeting, Police Chief Robert Palmer discussed the reccurring issue of truck traffic due to the increase of warehouses in the surrounding areas.
Members of council discussed the possibility of moving existing signs or placing new signs to help alleviate the issue. There was also discussion of working with Lower Macungie Township and other municipalities to solve the problem.
Alburtis borough’s rental ordinance is currently online and is causing residents to have concerns. Borough Manager Sharon Trexler said she will not have collected half of the rental registration forms by the end of the month.
Borough Solicitor David Knerr discussed creating a simpler form the majority of people could use and offering the more complicated forms for the landlords.
The landlords would pay an annual fee of $60 and inspections would occur before someone moves in to the property and at least once every three years.
There were a number of changes to the ordinance discussed during the meeting. There was a debate about whether there should be a payment per calendar year or a payment every June. Council came to a consensus there would be an initial payment at the end of June this year and future payments for upcoming years would be made at the end of the year starting in November or December of 2018.
Council agreed to remove any reference to mailboxes from the rental agreement until there is an ordinance created regarding mailboxes. The motion passed unanimously.
There was also discussion about insurance when it comes to the rental agreement. The agreement would require proof of insurance and evidence there is enough money in the insurance policy to repair or replace the property.
Council decided to go through with an application for the 2017 Fresh Paint Days Pennsylvania grant. The grant is sponsored by Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. Applications are now being accepted and are due by July 17.
Grants will be awarded in the middle of August. The 2017 Fresh Paint Days Pennsylvania will take place in September. In this month, the eight grant awardees will be eligible for up to 20 gallons of exterior paint and a gift card for painting supplies.
The next borough council meeting will be July 12.
Alburtis Borough Council meets 7 p.m. the second and last Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held in borough hall.