8 DAYS A WEEK: Your look ahead at Valley Arts
PSF “Evita” lauded:Dee Roscioli, above left, as Eva Peron, and Dan Domenech, above right, as Che, star in the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival (PSF) critically-acclaimed production of “Evita,” through July 2, Main Stage, Labuda Center for the Performing Arts, DeSales University, Center Valley. PSF Associate Artistic Director Dennis Razze directs “Evita,” which also stars world-renowned baritone and Tony Award winner Paulo Szot as Eva’s husband, Colonel Juan Perón. “Evita,” with a cast of 40, is the largest-ever cast at PSF. The 26th season-opening production is expected to sell out the 10,410-seat capacity for all 22 performances. Ticket information: pashakespeare.org; 610-282-WILL (9455).
“Hair”-raising:The 50th anniversary production of the rock musical,“Hair,” at Muhlenberg Summer Music Theatre (MSMT) continues through July 2, John C. Empie Theatre, Dexter F. and Dorthy H. Baker Center for the Arts, Muhlenberg College, Allentown. Above, from left, Emilie Leyes, Gabrielle Hines, Ally Merrill and (back) Cameron Silliman. Director James Peck directs ”Hair,” which opened MSMT’s 37th season. Tickets: Muhlenberg College box office, Trexler Pavilion for Theater and Dance, 2400 Chew St., Allentown; muhlenberg.edu/SMT; 484-664-3333.
Quite a “Vision”:Artists exhibiting their work in “Vision-Sound Revisited: Allentown’s ’80s Art Scene,” through Aug. 2, gathered at the June 14 opening reception in Martin Art Gallery, Dexter F. and Dorthy H. Baker Center for the Arts, Muhlenberg College, Allentown. Above, from left, front row, Barnaby Ruhe, Linda Cummings, and second row, Ted Ormai, Kenn Michael, Ray DiCecco, Jett Ulaner Sarachek and John Lotte. Upcoming: concert, 8 p.m. July 15, Alternative Gallery, Cigar Factory, Allentown; exhibition, opening 5 p.m. July 20, Allentown Art Museum, followed by 6-8 p.m. reception, The Baum School of Art. Information: muhlenberg.edu; 484-664-3467; baumschool.org, allentownartmuseum.org; 484-664-3467.