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8 DAYS A WEEK: Your look ahead at Valley Arts

Historic 35th tour:The West Park Civic Association’s 35th anniversary “Historic West Park House Tour” is 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. June 25. The tour includes 10 properties, from a majestic, meticulously-restored mansion to a spectacularly-renovated 1912 townhouse with the latest fashionable amenities and contemporary decor. Homes range in style from turn-of-the-century Victorian to 1930’s neo-classical revival. Music and refreshments are at several locations on the tour. Free parking is provided at the Masonic Temple, 16th and Linden streets, Allentown, and along nearby streets. A program with a description of each property on the tour and a tour map is provided on the day of the tour. Wear soft-soled shoes that will not damage floors or rugs. Advance tickets: BoutiqueToGo, C. Leslie Smith, Phoebe Floral, Hummus House, RE:fined, Walter’s Pharmacy, Albrights Hardware; online: westpark-ca.org; day of tour: front lawn, The Episcopal Church of the Mediator, 1620 Turner St., Allentown.

Davis exhibit:As part of a community collaboration, “Hubert Davis: Foreign Lands,” paintings of Greece and Guatemala by the Pennsylvanian-born Works Progress Administration artist are on exhibit through June 26 in the Fine Art Galleries of the Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center, 522 W. Maple St., Allentown. From left, Adrian E. Shanker, Executive Director, Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center, with Ronald K. De Long, who has been curating for Davis’s work, and Vincent DiCicco, who researched the artist’s life. Behind them is “The Argolid” by Hubert Davis (oil on canvas, 28 in. x 22 in.). Information: bradburysullivancenter.org; 610-347-9988.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Copyright - &Copy; Ed Courrier