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Scam targets Lehigh County seniors

District Attorney Jim Martin and the Lehigh County Agency on Aging and Adult Services want to alert area seniors about a scam which recently came to light.

The scam involves seniors receiving phone calls purportedly from the Agency on Aging and Adult Services.

Consumers are getting calls which appear to come from that office’s general telephone number: 610-782-3034.

Aging and Adult Services are not making these calls. In fact, the office’s caller ID number would not show that number.

The person making the calls is asking senior citizens about Medicare supplements and other services.

After a few questions, the caller abruptly hangs up. It appears the caller hangs up as soon as the recipient says the word “yes.”

The Office of Aging and Adult Services found out about this scam because seniors who were out at the time the calls came in to them returned home and saw the number on their telephones.

The seniors then called the office back asking why they had been called by the agency, when in fact, they hadn’t been.

At this point, the calls seem to be occurring in the Whitehall area, but all Lehigh County seniors need to be aware and vigilant.

Martin urges seniors never to give any personal information to any caller they don’t know and to report receipt of these calls to the Agency on Aging and Adult Services.

Call 610-782-3034 to report one of these scam phone calls.