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NOVA responds to 14 calls in May in Heidelberg Twp

Heidelberg Township supervisors learned, at their June 15 meeting, that NOVA Ambulance Corps responded to 14 calls in the municipality during May.

The fastest was a two-minute response time. The longest was 15 minutes.

The corps put in 336 hours with 10.8-hour days.

In other matters Supervisor Steve Bachman reported the batting cages for the Northwestern Recreation Community Park fields will cost $27,800.

Roadmaster Kevin Huber will meet with roadmasters from the other townships and discuss the extent of the work they would be able to do to bring the cost down.

“I know we can dig the holes,” Huber said.

The cost of the walking path will be $82,000. A grant for $62,000 is being sought.

Huber said the road crew has done most of the chipping, mowing and weed whacking.

Thermoplastic road markings have been applied at Routes 100 and 309.

Heidelberg will help the other three Northwestern townships with tar and chipping.

Huber told the board the new truck is still a couple weeks away from being ready as it is getting hydraulics and the body installed.

Zoning Officer Chris Noll said permits are moving quicker this year.

The Sell Road garbage will be removed and then the road will be posted no dumping.

Sight distance problems will be dealt with on Sawmill and Hunter Hill roads.

Noll said he would try to make more personal contacts.

A barn at Memorial and Sawmill roads is in poor condition. Noll was told it would be rehabilitated.

The pollution reduction plan, the state’s MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, needs to be updated. The notice of intent to file the update is due Sept. 26.

The Environmental Advisory Council will have a public education program to which the other townships will be invited.

A request by Kevin Schaffer to add 19.227 acres at Memorial and Primrose roads to the Ag Security Area will be held for 180 days at which time it is deemed approval without the cost of a hearing.