The June 14 meeting of Alburtis Borough Council involved the continuation of resident issues from previous meetings.
The first issue regarded a chicken coop causing both noise and odor issues for neighboring residents. After the last meeting, the borough sent a letter to the property owner in question. A neighbor attending the meeting stated the letter had an effect as the homeowner removed the rooster and is making a conscious effort to deal with the odor.
Alburtis Borough resident Adam Hite was at the last borough council meeting to discuss landscaping he was doing in his backyard because he was altering an easement. Hite returned for the June 14 meeting to discuss hiring an engineer. Since Hite has yet to find an engineer, he asked council to hire an engineer and get a report approved.
In other business, council voted unanimously to open the discussion about possibly closing Ore Alley. One option would be for people to enter the Alburtis Tavern parking lot from Front Street and leave on Ore Alley. Another option would be for Front Street to be a two way street and for Ore Alley to be closed. The alleys in the borough could also be one way streets.
There was a motion made to move forward in the process of vacating the alley. The next step would include drafting an ordinance and scheduling a hearing. The vote to move forward with vacating the alley failed 3-4.
The Alburtis Fire Department made a funds request discussed during the meeting. The request involved replacing the lighting on one of the trucks in order for it to fit in the bay area door of the fire department.
The fire department had a plan to pay for the upgrade with $5,000 from the apparatus replacement and upgrades fund and $3,310 from the fire tax contributions. The borough council said the money for improvements should be taken out of one fund – the fire tax fund.
Council also talked about getting a flow meter for the sanitary sewer system. The borough felt it was important to have its own flow meter so they don’t have to rely on other’s findings. Council agreed unanimously to purchase a flow meter.
There was discussion about the Prologic warehouse on the north side of Alburtis Road. Prologic was in the process of closing down one of its large parking lots and putting as much truck parking as possible on a parcel of land they recently purchased. They would add a road that connects to Alburtis Road after it has become Penn Avenue.
Council also discussed putting in new fencing at the community pool. The quote for replacing the fence was $2,700. The fence was approved with one objection and one abstention.
Alburtis Borough Council will hold its next meeting June 28. Council holds its meetings on the second and last Mondays of the month. Meetings are 7 p.m. and take place in Alburtis Borough Hall.