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Members of the Recreation Advisory Committee met at Franko Park before the regular meeting May 15 to review three locations for the proposed Salisbury Youth Association batting cage at Franko Park.

Reviewing the batting cage locations were committee members Frank Adamcik, Pat Jacoby, Frank McCullough and Mark Wilson and staff representative Genny Baillie.

SYA member Joel Schware marked three locations for the temporary batting cage. Schware marked locations 75 feet by 20 feet to give the Recreation Advisory Committee members an idea of the space. The actual space needed for the batting cage will be 70 feet by 14 feet.

Location one was not a preferred location as it was sloped and was quickly eliminated as it was next to the walking trail.

Location two was the preferred location for SYA as it was nearest to the ball field and the storage shed.

Location three was the preferred location for the Recreation Advisory Committee members as it was further down from location two and away from the players and spectators. The committee said it was a safety issue.

Baillie said the township would complete the grading and stone bed for the batting cage. SYA is paying for the batting cage which is temporary due to the request coming in after the master plan was completed and approved by township commissioners. The permanent location will be decided as part of the master plan.

Schware said he had security concerns about location three because of a recent theft of SYA fencing from Devonshire Park. SYA spent $1,000 on fencing and half was stolen.

During the regular meeting back at the municipal building, committee members voted 3-1 to recommend location three to the township commissioners for the SYA temporary batting cage.

In other business, Salisbury High School students Sean Snyder and Thomas Sylvester presented their challenge-based learning school project designed to make an impact in their community.

Snyder and Sylvester proposed building four to six birdhouses and two to three birdbaths to be placed throughout Lindberg Park.

Snyder said the walking path is a great idea at the park and it is enjoyed by many.

“Tom’s grandmother and my dad like birds; people would like to go to the park to see birds and lots of trees and flowers,” Snyder said.

Following the presentation, Wilson said he thought it was a great idea as long as it doesn’t conflict with the master plan.

The students said the birdhouse wood was donated by Lowe’s and is painted blue to attract bluebirds. Clay pots would be donated by Home Depot. The students said they do not need financial assistance or supplies as they received donations for the project.

“The materials will need to be durable and will need to be hung out of reach for safety issues,” Baillie said. Wilson suggested the placement of birdhouses should be away from the more active areas.

The students said they would like to work on the project over the summer and into the fall.

Wilson made a recommendation to move forward with the understanding the students will contact Urban Research and Development Corporation regarding placement to be in compliance with the Lindberg Park master plan.

In committee reports, Baillie commented on the success of the egg hunt which had 95 registered children and 60 children who actually attended. Baillie thanked Cpl. Chris Casey who not only attended but provided plastic police badges to be placed in some of the eggs. Baillie received positive feedback by those who attended.

Baillie said the summer playground program preparation is moving forward. She received 19 applications for counselors for three spots. The playground program will be held June 19 through July 28. Counselor orientation is June 15. The annual playground day will be July 26 with a rain date of July 27.

The next meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. July 17 at the municipal building.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHLocation one for the batting cage is quickly eliminated once all involved parties realized it was next to the walking trail.