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Raise a glass to fashion and fun at Allentown Symphony benefit

A new event for fun-loving, fashion-forward women in the Lehigh Valley is “Fashionistas Foodies and Fun,” 5:30 - 8 p.m. May 11 in the Rodale Room at Miller Symphony Hall, Allentown.

“This is going to be a trunk show, a taste of spring,” Elena Pascal, owner of Boutiquetogo, Allentown, says. “With food and drinks and five premier New York designers showing and selling their new products, there has never been anything like this in the Lehigh Valley.”

High-end designers are seeing the change taking place in the Valley and are taking the time out of market week in New York City, vendors’ busiest sale period of the year, to participate.

Vendors like Rebecca Minkoff will be showing her new line of bags and shoe, as will Lisette L apparel, who makes “Oprah’s favorite pants,” says Pascal. “They are a favorite of my customers, too.”

Minnie Rose is bringing cashmere and sweaters.

Lehigh Valley native Patricia Johnson, who started her own line, NVelop, after designing for such illustrious stars as Sonia Rykiel and Sigrid Olsen, will be on site with her separates and dresses. And Heet jewelry will have a table.

The designers’ representatives will offer advice on how to wear their designs and incorporate them into your wardrobe.

The best part is that guests will receive 10 percent off purchases; $10 in Boutiquetogo bucks, and 10 percent of sales will be donated to Allentown Symphony Association programs such as El Sistema and other educational programs.

In addition to fashion vendors associated with Boutiquetogo, a representative of marketing sensation Indie Hicks will sell her body products, fragrances and scarves.

After you’ve updated your look for spring, finish it off with a makeover with Bobbi Brown cosmetics.

Local vendors are donating their services or goods for the fund-raiser.

Award-winning Chef Cindie Feldman of 29 Cooks is offering cooking demonstrations and Mr. Bill’s Poultry and Deli is offering tastings.

Molly Gilley, Event Planner and Floral Designer, will share the art of flower arranging.

Heather O’Brien of Bittersweet Bakery is bringing her confections.

There will be a cash bar so guests can sip designer cocktails while they meet with old friends and make new ones.

The event is the brainchild of “the DIVAS, as we call ourselves,” says Ellie Cummins, as in Dedicated, Involved, Volunteers of Allentown Symphony. The other DIVAS are Carol Osborn and Joanne Kelly.

“It started out as a fashion show,” Cummins says. “But we said, ‘Wouldn’t it be fun to have food and shopping too?’ We wanted to reach out to the community, to get them into the symphony to see all the wonderful programs we offer. It’s the first time we tried something like this, but we’re hoping it won’t be the last.”

Cummins says that it’s a girlfriend event, “but men are certainly welcome.”

Tickets: Boutiquetogo, 522 N. Nineteenth St., Allentown; Miller Symphony Hall Box Office, 23 N. Sixth St., Allentown; allentownsymphony.org; 610-432-6715, and at the door.

To submit press releases for consideration in the Good Cause column and request coverage of fundraisers and galas, email Paul Willistein, Focus features editor: pwillistein@tnonline.com