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Elbich, Grammes unopposed on primary ballot

Democrat Bob Elbich and Republican Marc J. Grammes are unopposed on their respective party’s ballot in the May 16 Municipal Primary Election.

They will face each other in the November election for a four-year term in office as Lehigh County commissioner in District 1.

Elbich says he spent his entire work life in the private sector. He founded two Lehigh County companies, Pure Fit Inc. and Exigo Manufacturing Inc..

A former manager of manufacturing methods at Air Products and operations manager of Acme Cryogenics, Elbich says he sees himself as “a problem solver.”

“I spent my career creating teams who developed successful businesses. These are good, family-sustaining jobs for people in the Lehigh Valley,” said Elbich, who has a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University.

Elbich says he wants to focus on economic growth and job-training initiatives.

He also wants to support educational institutions that develop creative curriculum teaching job skills for the current, ever-changing work environment and he is interested in continuing the county’s work preserving farmland, park and trail development and maintaining and improving Cedarbrook.

Former Lehigh County Commissioner Marc Grammes is seeking to return as District One commissioner.

Grammes says as a commissioner he was known for working across party lines to build consensus among fellow commissioners. He helped find ways to save the Lehigh Valley Zoo, and is a founding member of the Lehigh Valley Zoological Society.

Grammes says he also worked with fellow commissioners to re-open and improve the Trexler Game Preserve, much as Gen. Harry Trexler intended.

Grammes says he is best known for his tireless efforts to restore and rebuild Leaser Lake in Lynn Township.

“The lake will always be a part of my life,” Grammes said. “We poured countless hours of pointless debate as to who owns what and who should fix it and who should pay for it.

Grammes says he is also proud of his efforts to keep taxes low and look for ways to save county dollars. In his four years he has a record of cutting taxes once and keeping them steady three times.

Grammes cites his reasons for seeking a return to the board of commissioners is having the time and experience to devote to the job, plus the desire to make a difference and become a positive force in government.


District 1 includes Coplay and Slatington boroughs and Whitehall, Lynn, Weisenberg, Heidelberg, Washington, North Whitehall and Lowhill townships.

Bob Elbich