During the May 4 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting, Lehigh County Authority made a presentation about monitoring systems along the streams and also underground monitoring of certain wells. Stream monitors will be attached to area bridges; well monitors will utilize the well walls.
A concern was expressed about the Little Lehigh Creek drying up from Brookside to Cedar Crest Boulevard in November 2016. Monitoring of the streams may help shed light on this subject. Planning Director Sara Pandl suggested the township and LCA can work together for the trail system as access will be necessary to the monitoring locations.
Mill Creek Road has been re-surfaced. Commissioner Brian Higgins asked again about crosswalks in need of repair. These repairs will be addressed now that the resurfacing has been completed.
The Church Lane bridge was a topic of discussion. Church Lane has some speed bumps the township added without Pennsylvania Department of Transportation approval. PennDOT will not approve them. If the township continues to use them, the state will not provide funds for certain projects. It is the township’s plan to not remove them as it is more important to maintain the bridge.
The Arbor Day tree planting went well. A Princeton Elm was planted.
More information is being obtained about Act 172. This Act offers tax credits to volunteer fire companies and medical service agencies.
A member of the environmental advisory committee made a suggestion to watch what may be happening at Air Products. There is a possibility of more warehouses which will affect Lower Macungie Township.
It was also suggested by Commissioner Ronald W. Beitler to keep an eye on the Adams Road interchange. Warehouse development, while not in the township, will affect Lower Macungie Township.
Macungie Police Sgt. Travis Kocher asked for use of Willow Lane and Sauerkraut Lane for detouring during the Memorial Day parade. This is an annual event and was approved by the board.
Commissioners accepted, with regret, the resignation of Sharon Colson, permit coordinator who has been doing the job for 32 years. George Doughty also submitted his resignation from the planning commission. The commissioners accepted the resignation with regret.
Township Manager Bruce Fosselman reported the prevention of the Ash borer has begun this year. Injections are being made in trees in Clearview Manor, Hidden Vally and Farmington Hills.
Latex paint recycling will occur 9 a.m. to noon May 13.
Cindy Weiner and Ildiko Benoit-Johnson were hired as pool managers.
There are garden plots available at Camp Olympic.