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Just a few contests in primary election

Two Democrats are facing off in the May 16 primary election for the Whitehall Township tax collector position.

Voters will choose either Colleen Gober or Edward F. Koren.

There is no Republican candidate on the ballot.


There are two contests for inspector of elections posts, one serving Coplay Borough’s second district and one serving Whitehall Township’s 12th district.

In Coplay, voters will choose either Jocelyn Wedge or Joan Witko. Both are Democrats.

In Whitehall, voters will choose either Howard Hamm or Arlene Hamm. Both are Democrats.

PRESS PHOTO BY AL RECKERDemocrats Edward Koren and Colleen Gober are vying for the position of Whitehall Township tax collector. Both appeared at a candidates forum April 26, hosted by the Whitehall Area Chamber of Commerce and held at Fellowship Community.