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Don’t forget Mother’s Day May 14. I consider this a Hallmark holiday, but I am nevertheless disappointed if my sons don’t at least call me.

Celebrate the season at Springfest, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 6 at Salem United Methodist Church, 6440 Powder Valley Road, Zionsville. Featured will be a light lunch and homemade baked goods to purchase, as well as flea market items and a variety of flowers, including hanging baskets, for sale.

This event will be held rain or shine in the enclosed pavilion. For more information, contact 610-965-6796.

The Social and Aid Society of Old Zionsville United Church of Christ will hold a ham and turkey dinner 4 to 7 p.m. May 6 at the church. In addition to the ham and turkey, there will be homemade potato bread filling, gravy, green beans, corn, pickled cabbage, coffee, tea and dessert.

There is a reduced price for children six to 12; children under six are admitted free. For information, call Annie at 610-966-5242 or Betty Lou at 610-966-2842.

The Hivel Und Dahl Preservation Society will hold a plant sale May 20 at the Upper Milford Farmers Market, 5671 Chestnut St., Old Zionsville (the site of the township building). Baked goods will also be offered for sale. Visit the society’s website at hivelunddahl.org.

The Upper Milford Historical Society meets 7 p.m. May 25 at the Upper Milford Township building in Old Zionsville. In honor of Memorial Day, Verne Arndt will talk about his military experiences in Vietnam and other areas during his many years of service.

Upper Milford Youth Association will hold tryouts for fall travel soccer teams for girls and boys born in years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 May 3 and 4 at Jasper Park. A registration was held last month specifically for this, called “Fall 2017 Travel Soccer.” The tryouts should be scheduled between 5:30 and 8 p.m.

There is no cost for registration. The purpose of the registration is to confirm what interest there is at the different age groups. For questions, contact Randy Faurl at umaysoccer@gmail.com or 610-216-9196.

The Upper Milford Parks and Recreation Committee is asking township residents to respond to a survey about their interests related to township recreation, parks and open space. The survey can be found online at www.surveymonkey.com/r/UpperMilfordTownship, or on the township website. The survey can be completed online and sent back by May 8. If you prefer a paper copy of the survey, you can pick it up at the township office or call 610-966-3223.

The Western District Fire Company will serve an all-you-can-eat breakfast 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. May 7. There are senior, adult and children’s prices. The next breakfast will be June 4. For information on the breakfasts, call the fire company at 610-966-3541 or Carol Shade at 610-966-3902.

The Upper Milford Fire Company’s ladies auxiliary meets 7 p.m. June 5. New members are always welcome.

Vera Cruz senior citizens meet 1 p.m. May 4 and 18 at the Vera Cruz Fire Company. All are welcome.

Looking ahead: The Lower Milford Fire Company carnival will take place June 14 to 17. There will be more detailed information in the June column.

Lower Milford Township supervisors meet 7:30 p.m. May 5 for a workshop and May 19 for a regular business meeting. Action may be taken at both meetings.

Other Lower Milford meetings are as follows; unless otherwise noted, meetings begin 7:30 p.m.: the planning commission meets the first Monday of the month, which this month was May 1; recreation and open space board, May 10; historical commission, May 9.

Upper Milford supervisors will meet 7 p.m. May 5 and 19.

The Upper Milford open space committee meets 7:30 p.m. May 10. The Upper Milford recreation commission meets 7:30 p.m. May 15.

The Upper Milford planning commission meets 7:30 p.m. the Monday prior to the first Thursday of every month unless that is a holiday.

The Joint Environmental Advisory Council meets 7 p.m. May 22 in Upper Milford.

If you have news or information for this column, which runs the first Wednesday of every month, please call me at 610-838-8923 or email me at bruce.swan@rcn.com.