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High School: The Tree

There are things you don’t know

The feelings I don’t care to show

You chop me down

With that axe of


For I am a tree

Of knowledge and power

But you do not dare

To see the true me

I grow back year after year

But I still have these,

These feelings that I, myself fear

But I am still a tree

Of knowledge and power

That will grow bigger and stronger

Year after year

After awhile,

The axe starts to grow dull

You don’t try to cut me down any more

But in fact,

You start to plant other trees around me

You start to accept the tree,

That I will come to be

The years go by

And you say goodbye to that axe

Of insecurities

You now stand by my side

You believe in me

So to that I say thank you,

To helping me grow

Bigger than I thought I could possibly be

Nathan Cowling

Age 15, Grade 10

Parkland High School

Parkland School District