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Drug possession

Police arrested Rene Marrero Jr. following a traffic stop around 11 p.m. April 19.

Officers allegedly observed Marrero, 42, of West Livingston Street in Allentown, driving near Broadway and Fiot streets, and officers recognized him and stopped him to verify his license was suspended.

While search of the vehicle police allegedly found a loaded Taurus .45 caliber pistol and 136 grams of loose heroin.

Marrero is charged with intent to deliver hroin and carrying a frirearm without a license. He was remanded to Northampton County Prison in lieu of $30,000 bail.

Police Chief Mark DiLuzio said in a statement the heroin, if processed and packaged for individual sale on the streets of Bethlehem, would be worth over $30,000. When broken down into individual packets of heroin for sale on the streets of Bethlehem, this amount of heroin would yield upwards of 6,000 individual packets.

DiLuzio asks residents with knowledge of anyone selling heroin in the city of Bethlehem to contact Tip Line at 610-691-6660.