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Board discusses bridge issues

An update was given at the April 13 Lowhill supervisors’ meeting on the impending Bear Bridge repair.

Supervisor Rob Werley, Road Foreman Joe Kalusky and township Engineer Ryan Christman all met with state Rep. Gary Day, R-187th, to discuss funding and expediting the permits needed.

Christman advised the board that at this point, the best choice for replacement would be a precast arch.

The township’s original game plan had been repair of the bridge, but at this point, in order to meet regulations, the project is looking more like a replacement.

A meeting is planned with a PennDOT engineer for possible weight limit restrictions, while the details are being ironed out.

The board is awaiting further cost figures and is in discussion with the agencies involved.

There are grants available to offset the cost.

Another local bridge on Bittner’s Corner is still in the works.

The board is anticipating a visit from Rick Molchany, director of general services with Lehigh County, who previously sent a letter to the township affirming the county is going to replace the bridge.

The letter stated a temporary bridge on site is hopeful so no one has to enter Route 100, an issue which caused an outpouring of concern for residents last year.

In other matters, the auditor’s report for Lowhill was presented to supervisors.

“It was a good audit,” said lead auditor Carol Dorsch, as she handed over the paperwork, which is then filed at the township building.

The paperwork for the 2016 audit was advertised and is now filed in the township building.

Chairman Richard Hughes thanked the auditors who included Dorsch, Bob Martin and Stacey Schappell.

“We appreciate what you do each year,” he said.

In old business, the mini cell tower ordinance, was approved for advertisement.

The ordinance, which provides township regulations regarding possible future cell tower installations by communications developers, underwent a few changes after review by the planning commission.

Passage of the ordinance is expected by June.

A motion was made and approved for the appointment of Mark Schlofer as alternate for Universal Construction Code Board of Appeals.

In other road business, Kalusky said the road crew was busy during March.

There were seven days of winter maintenance and four days of clean up following the wind and rainstorm which ushered in the month.

With this year’s mild winter, the township used approximately seven loads of salt compared to almost 14 last year.

There were no reports from the solicitor or the engineer.

Administrator Brian Carl asked the board to write a letter of support for the Northwestern Recreation Commission, as it is working on an application for a grant for the walking trails at the recreation fields.

In support of the project, the board unanimously agreed to provide a letter.

In new business the gypsy moth suppression project was discussed.

The township received an advisory stating gypsy moth caterpillars will be sprayed in certain forested sections of Leaser Lake and Trexler Game Preserve.

Secretary Jill Seymour announced the Lehigh County Association of Township Officials Summer Convention will be Aug. 11 at the Schnecksville Fire Co. Finally, in public comment, Property Tax Collector Carol Betz told the board property tax bills have been mailed.

Residents who have not receiving a bill, should call Betz at 610-395-9142.