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Nestle Waters donates $5,000 to rec commission

Eric Andreus, resource manager for Nestlé Waters North America attended the March 29 meeting of the Northwestern Recreation Commission.

Presenting a $5,000 check for the recreation fields, he asked what type of project the money would be applied toward.

President Don Link said the major project is the walking trail and Nestle’s help would be designated by a sign.

“The walking path is ideal,” Andreus replied.

Weisenberg Township representative Brian Carl is helping the recreation commission develop grant requests.

The total cost is expected to be around $70,000,

Keystone Consulting Engineers is finishing work on the walking trail specifications. Grants are being applied for and it is expected completion can be done by fall.

Kathy Hermany, chairman of the Night in the Country celebration committee, said letters were being sent to vendors and constables have been contacted for security.

If the annual Night in the Country were to be canceled due to rain and the fireworks cannot be used elsewhere, the recreation commission would have to pay for them as they were already purchased by Celebration, the fireworks company.

“Everything is going fine,” Hermany said.

Jim Hughes, groundskeeper, said all the rusting benches should be fixed at one time rather than doing one or two at a time.

Lynn Township representative Justin Smith said they can obtain prices to replace only those parts that are rusted.

He will get prices, and also take the painter to the site.

The tractor for the rec fields has been repaired. The power take off was running at 80 pounds instead of 150 pounds.

The AED for cardiac emergencies is being returned to the fields. The defibrillator was brought inside over the winter.

The annual spring walk-around at the fields produced a shorter list of needed repairs.

Hughes was given credit for keeping the fields in shape.

Smith will call Northwestern Lehigh School District Operations Director Arthur Oakes to ask about aeration of the fields.

The Northwestern Youth Athletic Association owns the old soccer goals discussed during the walk-around.

NYAA representatives will discuss the issue at their meeting and tell Hughes their decision about what to do with them.

Money will be needed to fix the lower fields properly.

Rick Hughes, representative from Lowhill, asked why fix them if Weisenberg Township will soon have four fields ready for play.

Smith said that would still not meet the demands for soccer.

President Don Link said they make good practice areas. Numbers for each sport seem to ebb and flow. Smith said the baby boomers are mostly through sports but the millennials will be coming with even larger numbers.

It will cost $1,338 to paint the upper swings, slides and legs on the benches.

NYAA wants to begin an 18U team. It may require changing the dimensions on a field.

NYAA will make suggestions on what would work best.

Dave Freeman and Frank Chukoskie were present from the NYAA and mentioned having paid trainers help the kids.

Heidelberg Township representative Steve Bachman said weeklong clinics should not be allowed.

The rec commission wants to keep everything affordable.

Weisenberg Township representative Linda Gorgas said if fields are damaged and not repaired, the user should have to pay the repair costs.

If a person is paid as a trainer, he or she should pay the field costs.

Smith said a camp could be at a reduced rate but it would mean more work for Hughes.

Smith said the NYAA should propose a policy.

Rec commission members voted 2-4 against letting the NYAA have a seat on the rec commission.

Press photo courtesy Justin SmithNorthwestern Recreation Commission President Don Link accepts a $5,000 donation from Eric Andreus, resource manager for Nestlé Waters.