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The April 3 meeting of Macungie Borough Council began with a discussion of a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection grant the borough received for their recycling program performance.

The grant was in the amount of $7,272. This money will be used for a combined electronics recycling event between Macungie and Alburtis boroughs. The recycling event is scheduled for April 29.

Cpl. Michael Mullen of the Macungie Police Department made a request to begin negotiations for the 2018 police union contract. A decision was made to let the police decide between either July 12 or 19.

There was also a discussion about a recent Macungie Board of Trustees meeting. The discussion at the meeting revolved around advertising for the Macungie Institute. Council spoke about what kind of sign to use in front of the Macungie Institute There was also a decision made on a date for an open house at the Macungie Institute June 11. An option was raised to rent out part of the Macungie Institute.

Questions were brought up about whether to put in an additional exit in the Macungie Institute, or if any area of the building should be sealed off when a company rents space. Council talked about the importance of controlling what kinds of companies could rent out the property.

The Great Macungie Cleanup is scheduled to take place on Earth Day, April 22.

Council discussed a garbage pickup contract and Council member John Yerman talked about the benefit of getting a new contract right now.

“We could save money,” Yerman said. “It looks like costs are going down.”

There was a discussion of whether the garbage should be collected once or twice a week and if garbage collection should be kept on the same day. Council discussed how Macungie does a better job than other local boroughs when it comes to trash collection. They agreed now was an ideal time to solicit bids.

Waste Management has asked to extend their current contract for two years. Council decided to put the contract out for bid at once and ask for pricing on twice a week pickup to compare the difference.

Also discussed was the South West Lehigh Comprehensive Plan involving land use and zoning ordinances. There was discussion Lower Milford Township had included future land zoning. There was also a discussion on having a distinction between light and medium residential as well as different levels of the industrial zone.

Council sees the plan as a tool used to create general zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances. The concept would be for a township to put their rules within wider rules. Council questioned what happens to a complaint when it arises in a plan like this.

Additionally, council discussed its bid for several Americans with Disability Act ramps. Since the project was over budget by $13,000, the borough had to eliminate three of the 14 ramps.

Ronald Karboski, with the zoning hearing board, was re-elected to a three year term expiring March 31, 2020. John Yerman, with the planning commission, was re-elected to a four year term expiring March 31, 2021. Barbara Levinson, with the Macungie Institute Board of Trustees, was re-elected to a three year term expiring March 31, 2020.

Macungie Borough Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month. The next meeting will be April 17. The meetings begin 7:30 p.m. and are held at Macungie Borough Hall.