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Salem Christian ‘Narnia: the Musical’

Salem Christian School’s production of “Narnia: the Musical,” chronicling the adventures of four children in a magical land called Narnia, will be presented at 7 p.m. April 6, 7 and 1 and 7 p.m. April 8, auditorium, Salem Christian School, 8031 Salem Bible Church Road, Macungie.

The show is an adaptation of the “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” the first book in the “Chronicles of Narnia” series by C.S. Lewis. The musical was written by Jules Tasca with music by Ted Drachman and lyrics by Thomas Tierney.

Joan Reinhard who directs the student production, is assisted by three co-directors and music director Jane Rivera.

According to Reinhard, “After stumbling through a magical wardrobe, four siblings find themselves in Narnia, a frozen world full of fantastical creatures where it is always winter but never Christmas thanks to the wicked White Witch. With the help of two bickering beavers, the siblings soon take refuge with King Aslan and his followers as they prepare to defeat the White Witch in an epic battle of good versus evil.”

“Windows and Doors,” “Turkish Delight,” “You Can’t Imagine,” “Wot A Bit of Spring Can Do” and “Deep Magic” are among the featured songs.

Tickets: salemchristian.org

Salem Christian School's “Narnia: the Musical” cast includes, from left, front, Alyssa Bergey (White Witch), Madison Forman (Lucy) and, back, Noah Reinhart (Professor and Aslan), Adam Stevenson (Peter) and Josh Schick (Edmund). Copyright - &Copy; Ed Courrier