Published March 24. 2017 12:00AM
LV Museum:
Former KGB Agent Jack Barsky speaks about and signs copies of his new book, “Deep Under Cover: My Secret Life and Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy in America,” which will be for purchase, at 1 p.m. March 25, Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum, 432 W. Walnut St., Allentown.
“This is high human drama spy story,” said Joseph Garrera, Executive Director of the Museum. “It offers an inside look at Russian espionage and the astounding journey of a KGB agent who avoided going to prison.”
The story of a KGB spy and an Allentown FBI investigation that centered on Mt. Bethel, Northampton County, attracted national attention and was featured on the television news show “60 Minutes.”
Barsky, born Albrecht Dittrich in Communist East Germany, was planted in 1978 in the United States and began a secret life, reporting back to Moscow.
After an investigation, much of it carried out by the FBI Allentown field office, in May 1997, the FBI and New Jersey State Police apprehended Barsky on the Delaware River Toll Bridge in Mount Bethel.
Information:; 610-435-1074