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To the Editor:

The most recent East Penn Press carries a column with the headline “How Altruistic Are You?”

Well, there’s one man in our town who is very altruistic indeed.

On Sunday afternoon, I was working in my home office and spotted the FedEx truck outside. I had been anticipating a return shipment of my personal journals – covering my life from 1980 to 1982 – from a Utah company called Legacy Scribes, which was helping me with a memoir project. (I work as a book author.) So I rushed out to the truck, hoping to snag the box with something truly irreplaceable: five journals I had written as a 21-23 year old, covering my travels in Europe and Africa, and my life in New York City, as a roving young man.

When I reached the FedEx truck, the driver seemed confused, and eventually drove off without delivering my package. I didn’t think anything of it, until about half an hour later I heard a knock at the door. My wife answered, I heard her conversing with somebody and then she found me in the house. “A man just dropped this box off for you. He said he found it in the middle of Indian Creek Road.”

I went white; it was the box with my missing journals. It has been my biggest fear that in working with the journals, I might lose something that is literally irreplaceable to me. My own thoughts on my life for a very significant period of time for me. And by the time I realized what this altruistic stranger had done for me, he had already driven off with a wave and a “happy to help out.” Well, now of course I’d like to thank him in person, but have no way to get in touch. The only clues: He drove a white car and said his parents live on Indian Creek Road. Perhaps he (or his parents) read the East Penn Press, will learn exactly what was in that precious box and get in touch through the newspaper?

This hero deserves a reward, or if he turns that down, a donation to his favorite charity. And maybe he deserves a high-paying job at FedEx, as well. He certainly knows how to deliver a package!

Peter Moore
