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Resident requests lower speed limit in Wanamakers

The March 9 meeting of the Lynn Township supervisors was preceded by an executive session to discuss personnel and real estate matters.

Under public comment, Frank Junger congratulated supervisors for having the Transfer Station looking better. He asked how they will be able to keep the lids on and the bins closed.

Supervisor Justin Smith said the area is to be cleaned up weekly.

While discussing Gov. Tom Wolf’s proposed police tax, resident Kermit DeLong said Lynn supervisors should get together with Heidelberg supervisors and talk about it.

He said the police sit in the school parking lot and do nothing while cars and trucks speed by.

“We need to tell state Rep. Gary Day if we have to pay they have to do more,” he said.

Smith, who said he and the other supervisors are concerned, plans on contacting Day on the issue.

If the tax were to be implemented, Lynn Township’s total would be $107,350.00 and this does not include any extra service from the state police.

Supervisors and DeLong agreed the proposed tax was to cover police pensions which is currently an issue, and that they need to address their pension financial issues in another way.

DeLong said the police could get more money in the form of fines by stopping trucks. He said the whole thing is out of control.

Smith said Day is not in favor of the police tax. He mentioned some of the other taxes paid to the state and said residents help pay police costs already.

Emily Smith, of Kings Highway, Kempton, said she is concerned for residents along Route 143 at Wanamakers.

She gave the board a petition regarding the speed limit along Route 143.

She suggested speed limit signs of 35 mph and no trucks over 30 feet long.

Supervisors agreed with the speed limit on Route 143 but told her Route 143 is a PennDOT road and the township has no authority.

She was advised to speak with state Rep. Day.

Smith said mailboxes had to be moved for the safety of rural mail carriers.

There is a blind spot at Levans Road creating a danger for children, bikers and walkers.

Feinour said limiting trucks to 30 feet is impossible. Besides, truckers pay more road tax than residents.

Smith said it took the Northwestern Recreation Commission years to get permission for crosswalks and speed limits on Northwest Road, where a child came so close to being run over that the toe of his shoe was hit.

Supervisor Brian Dietrich said it is that way on most of the local roads and that he never wants to walk on Kistler Valley Road where he lives.

In other matters, Toby Snyder, Flint Hill Road, wants to erect a detached garage on his property.

Supervisors, Engineer Chris Noll and Solicitor Marc Fisher said his next step is to go to the zoning hearing board for a variance due to the 10 percent impervious cover, which he is already over.

Smith said he would not have anything against giving him more leeway if runoff does not affect a neighbor.

Feinour said the zoning hearing board could let him go over the 10 percent with infiltration.

“We are not worried about your property but your neighbor’s,” he said.

Roadmaster Bruce Raber asked if a rear entrance to Ontelaunee Park is to remain open. Smith said it has to be open for soccer.

Raber said 75 percent of the boom mowing has been done with trees removed along Allemaegel Road plus several others throughout the township. Gutters have been cleaned and shoulders cut. Five large trees were removed along the public walking trail. Due to wind damage some traffic signs had to be replaced.

The purchase of a blower for road use at $4,523 was approved.

The roof on the front of the township garage has to be repaired or replaced. It leaks mostly around the skylights. It will require only the cost of materials because the road crew can do the work.

Gypsy moth spraying will be along Schochary Road. Dietrich said he can put any other people who want their property sprayed in touch with the company doing Schochary.

Rob Sadler and Dave Najarian were thanked for completing the audit. The auditors wanted the supervisors to prioritize the recommendations but were told it was their job.

Supervisors will go over the recommendations before the next meeting. Sadler said he is not running for re-election as auditor.

An ordinance for the codification of ordinances will be advertised. It would place all ordinances in one book and will be available electronically.

Announcements for events at Ontelaunee include: Farm Fest, May 6; Pow Wow, May 19-21; 5K run by NWL Educational Foundation, May 27.