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Macungie Borough Council reluctantly accepted Pat Vassilaros’ letter of resignation as deputy tax collector at the March 6 meeting. Vassilaros cited an increase in her workload in the Lower Macungie Township real estate tax office as her reason for stepping down. Borough administrative assistant Cynthia Hartzell was then appointed to replace her.

Council president Chris Becker reported part of the roof blew off the Locust Street Apartments across the street from borough hall during the severe storms of Feb. 25. He praised the borough’s first responders’ handling of the emergency.

In reflecting on the recent storm-related incident, Becker suggested a Knox-Box be installed to allow officials access to keys to borough hall if it was ever needed for an emergency.

As of Feb. 28, the treasurer‘s report listed $160,512.55 available for the new Church Street traffic light. According to Borough Manager Chris Boehm, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation wants the traffic light to be included in Macungie’s Main Street Streetscape Plan. Several voiced frustration with bureaucratic delays.

A PennDOT award of a “Transportation Alternatives Program Grant” in the amount of $542,288 to Macungie was announced by Becker.

“There is great irony in this whole thing.On the one hand, they are holding us up for months, then they give us half a million bucks,” John Yerman quipped. “He who gives us money calls the shots.”

Council unanimously gave approval of invoices as listed for a total of $85,436.69. An invoice for $214 for sign posts was questioned, but Boehm pointed out they were purchased to replace stop and street signs which had been knocked down.

Borough solicitor Patrick Armstrong, Esq., reported there was no resolution to Brookside Country Club’s assessment appeal. “I believe it will go to trial,” he added.

Armstrong said Lehigh County and Narsu Tatikola of 101-111 Lehigh St. “have come to terms on the assessment of the property.” Both parties agreed to an assessment in the amount of $1.4 million.

Roseann Schleicher announced the “Spring Fling” is scheduled 6 to 10 p.m. March 31.

Schleicher reported on the Feb. 28 Lehigh County Planning Commission meeting where work continues on the Southwestern Lehigh Comprehensive Plan. She said this has been a difficult project because, “Our municipalities are so different. Even though they butt up against each other, they’re so different in what they are.”

Becker said he is pleased with the progress they have made drafting a borough rental inspection program. The next committee meeting is scheduled April 14.

Boehm said she is working on updating the Borough Safety and Loss Control Policy at the request of the borough’s insurer. She requested council members look it over and have their comments to her by April.

Alma Akinjiola told council 400 new recycling totes are still left out of 695 which were to be picked up or distributed to borough residents.

Becker and vice-president Roseann Schleicher shared an article about Pennsylvania volunteer firefighters they had seen in Pennsylvania Borough News. Schleicher said “I just thought it was amazing that 97 percent of Pennsylvania has volunteer firefighters.” Because of the increase in time needed to complete government training requirements, their numbers are dwindling.

The meeting adjourned without an executive session.

Macungie Borough Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month. The next meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. March 20 at Macungie Borough Hall.

Macungie Borough Council Vice-President Roseann Schleicher shows council a page from her copy of a draft of the Southwestern Lehigh Comprehensive Plan. Copyright - &Copy; Ed Courrier