Published March 02. 2017 11:00PM
Well, it wasn’t exactly: #oscarsowrong, or #wrongenvelopeplease, but among the dozens who entered the annual Lehigh Valley Press Focus section “Readers Pick the Oscars” contest, not one person correctly picked all Oscar recipients in the contest’s seven categories.
And while we’re reluctant to consult Pricewaterhousecooper, the accounting and bookeeping firm in charge of getting the right envelope to the right person on Oscar night, we needed more time at deadline to determine the Focus Lehigh Valley Press contest participant who correctly picked the most number of Oscar recipients and had the earliest postmark or date received.
As for my picks, I got six of the seven categories correct, having chosen my favorite, “Kubo and the Two Strings,” over what I called the presumptive recipient, “Zootopia.”
And, yes, I did pick “Moonlight” for best picture. I didn’t have an envelope.
Apparently Warren Beatty was handed a duplicate envelope that stated Emma Stone as best actress winner for “La La Land” and co-presenter Faye Dunaway stated “La La Land” as the best picture Oscar recipient.
Instead, the best picture winner was “Moonlight.”
We hope we’ve shed some light on the subject of what was one of the most unusual Oscar telecasts in memory.