The East Penn School District renewed the charter for Seven Generations Charter School commencing Sept. 8 and terminating Sept. 7, 2022 at its Feb. 27 school board meeting.
The school, located at 154 E. Minor St., Emmaus, offers classes for students in kindergarten through fifth grade.
The renewal agreement was recommended for approval by Superintendent Dr Michael Schilder, with six “contingencies” added to the agreement. The added measures included parameters the charter school shall comply with Individuals With Disabilities Act (section 504 of the rehabilitation act, and chapter 711); requirements the charter school “shall complete an independent written program evaluation,” as well as the provision the charter school “continue using the multi-tiered systems of support model to meet the Child Find requirement outlined in the IDEA. The charter school must also “implement clear and specific strategies in language arts, mathematics and science to decrease the number of students scoring below proficiency on state standardized assessment.” Also, “The charter school shall develop a transition plan... for students who are exiting grade five.”
Many parents and teachers believe Seven Generation Charter School offers unique opportunities, open exhibit testing above their grade level, with some students regularly achieving honor roll consistently, according to Lori Freeblin, president of the Seven Generations board. Students regularly engage in outdoor learning and learn about the world around them immersed in the world, not just a classroom; students are active in their studies in the community and even take surveys and do studies within the communities.
Voting for the motion to amend the charter passed with Directors Charles Ballard, Rebecca Heid and President Alan Earnshaw against; Carol Allen, Paul Champagne, Rev. Waldemar Vinovskis, Ziad Munson, Donatelli and Kenneth Bacher for.
The amendment changed the language to “eliminate a redundancy” according to Munson, and amends provisions 23 and 24 to read, “The Charter School shall comply with Chapter 4 Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Code regarding academic standards and assessments, currently PA CORE.”
The agreement stipulates the charter school board of trustees shall conduct all meetings in compliance with the Sunshine Act, keeping accurate minutes of each meeting which “upon request, shall be forwarded to EPSD within a reasonable period of time.”
The next board meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. March 13 in the East Penn board room, 800 Pine St., Emmaus.