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Recreation commission reviews bylaws

Don Link was reappointed president of the Northwestern Recreation Commission during January’s meeting.

Lynn Township representative Justin Smith will serve as vice president and Todd Hernandez was named secretary.

During the rec commission’s Feb. 22 meeting, the bylaws committee reviewed the draft of the revised bylaws that will need to be approved by the four townships when completed.

Most of the changes were minor such as “chairman” being changed to “president.”

Bylaws may be changed by majority vote at any time. The legality of this change is being checked with the attorney.

The name treasurer was dropped from secretary-treasurer.

Duties of committees were designated in the original but that entire section was deleted as there are no duties for most committees mentioned.

When a bylaw committee was needed, it was appointed during a meeting and will be dissolved when the work is finished. Meetings will be 7:30 p.m. the last Wednesday of each month at Northwestern Lehigh High School.

One major change, still under consideration, is that the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association asked a few months ago to be seated as a commission member.

Link is opposed to the idea. He said the commission listens to any representatives who attend. Guests and their views are on every agenda.

Heidelberg Township representative Steve Bachman suggested the NYAA have a member on the commission.

He said the NYAA is the commission’s strongest partner and having a member on the commission locks in the partnership.

Smith said it could create a problem by making the membership an even number and there would be no control over the person appointed in the future.

If the member-at-large position were to be dropped, the NYAA could name a member without the problem of having an equal number. Also mentioned was dropping one of the two school board members.

Hernandez said he sees the courtesies given to the NYAA but agrees an odd number of members is needed. He asked who would use the fields if not the NYAA.

Link asked about an unelected person voting on spending public funds because each township contributes. There is also the possibility some future member might vote to his own benefit.

Weisenberg Township representative Linda Gorgas said the relationship between the two organizations is smooth now but at times it has been contentious.

She asked how a vote could improve anything the NYAA would receive. The one vote would not change anything, she added.

Link asked rhetorically where every dollar is spent and then answered, “Over there.”

Frank Chukoskie of the NYAA said the NYAA runs the sports programs.

“What if the NYAA dissolves or splits?” Smith asked. “The townships cannot.”

Link said that a bigger view is the NYAA is interested only in sports, not projects such as the walking trail.

Smith noted the bylaws are equivalent to a constitution and that policies are needed.

Chukoskie said many people, such as the umpires, are paid for helping the NYAA.

In other business, the contract for fireworks for the annual Night in the Country celebration in August needs to be renewed by May 1.

During discussion of the three-year contract, the question of what happens if Night is no longer being held for three years, 2018-20.

More information will be requested from Celebration, the fireworks company.

Jim Hughes, maintenance, reported via Link, that the tractor PTO is not working properly and is being fixed.

Grubs seem to have been dealt with at the fields. Spring and fall fertilization and weed spray have been scheduled at the usual budget of $6,000,

Bachman said when they put crosswalks on Northwest Road between the fields and the school they have to be 300 yards apart and there will probably be one at each end of the Potato Cellar building along Northwest Road.

The spring walk-around at the rec fields is scheduled for 8 a.m. March 25.

Anyone interested in attending is welcome.